Monday, July 3, 2017

It's been a while!

Hey, everyone!

How's it going? It will be {almost} two years since I posted something on here. I strongly considered starting a whole new blog and beginning from scratch but realized I have too many memories on blogger and I just can't let go :).

However, I did change the name of the blog as it is more fitting to the person I've evolved into during the past couple of years. As the days go by I look forward to sharing more about my mind-shift when it comes to body image and all-around self-love.

Here are some of the things that have changed since I last wrote on here:

1. I started a thriving business (currently my "side gig" which feels like full time work. My goal is to evolve it into full time).

2. I changed jobs - I am no longer in the insurance industry but I am working in Finance. My "life long" dream came true and guess what - is not all that is cracked up to be ;). Still, feeling blessed for this "in between" job.

3. I am an aunt :)

4. I traveled to Italy for New Years 2017 - was happy to finally add a new country to my list after a year "break". The trip to Italy created a significant life-changing mind-shift on an issue I had been dealing with my entire life. I look forward to sharing more about this. I also traveled to Turks & Caicos for a friend's wedding in May of 2017.

5. I'm still dating but currently not seeing anyone. I've gotten to a point where I am not sure when {and if} I'll ever find the one.

I think this sums up some of the major changes in my life during the past two years. I am not sure if my old followers will still get notified about this since I changed the name of the blog but I look forward to reconnecting with new readers (and old readers) alike.

So, quickly, I want to add that one of the reasons I have decided to start blogging again is because I've been feeling a bit of a void in my life. I am unclear on what exactly makes me happy to what brings me fulfillment. I feel like I am missing something. I feel lonely but I also want to be alone. I'm trying to figure out what is going on with me. Blogging has always been cathartic on a personal level so I am back and feeling a little better already as I type these words.

How's your life going? I'm happy to be back :)

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