Monday, June 1, 2015

Welcome June! (my single simple plan for this month)

Who else is super excited for June?! Don't ask me why but I sure am.

Maybe is something about the fact that I'll be able to indulge in more outdoor runs, nicer weather, I can finally say goodbye to my piles of sweaters and scarfs (maybe...because we all know this NYC weather is a bit bi-polar). And simply just looking forward to the official launch of summer and summer fun. Looking forward to making the best of it.

This month I am running a 10K, participating in my first ever blogger event, adding on new clients (so grateful), celebrating my amazing dad (fathers day this month!), and focusing on me, myself and I as well as the people I know and love- friends and family.

Also, looking forward to meeting new people because you never know what each day will bring, correct?!

My goals for this month? Besides working hard in what I love. I am making a conscious effort to invest my focus and time on activities and people that make me happy and bring joy to my life.

What are you looking forward to this month?



  1. Love hearing about your June plan, I think it's going to be a great month! Congrats on going to your first blogging event, I think you'll love it! And a 10K? that's so impressive, best of luck!!

  2. Thanks girl! I am super excited. And I agree with you, it shall be a great month! :)


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