Saturday, June 27, 2015

Wholesome and Delicious Saturday Morning Pancakes

Good morning my dear readers,

Happy Saturday. Last night I had so much fun. Was able to go out and hang out with one of my favorite people in the world- my best friend. We celebrated a new accomplishment in her career and had quite the good time at Local 138, a pretty cool and low key bar in the Lower East Side of Manhattan (with pretty awesome drink specials...umm $3.00 drinks?! count me in).

But anyways, enough about that. This morning I woke up craving pancakes. My friend stayed over (she may or may not have drank too much) and so, what better way to spend some quality time with her and chat about the adventures of the night than over some delicious pancakes, eggs, and coffee.


I've been substituting cashew or almond milk instead of regular milk for my pancakes and let me tell makes everything so much fluffier and better. 

Prep Time:

Mix it all up- until smooth & silky:

1/4 cup of the batter over low-medium heat, make sure skillet is hot, once it bubbles flip it:

Final Product...

...Dont forget to add some nice fruit and awesome coffee with soy milk on the side ;)

Bon Appetite!

What are your plans for this weekend?! Hope you all spend time doing some fun stuff and/or simply in the company of loved ones.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Sounds like you ladies had a wonderful night. And yes, nothing beats $3 drinks. The pancakes sound delicious too :)

    1. Hi Phi! Thank you. They tasted really good. And yeah, I was really digging those cheap drinks :)

  2. Those pancakes look delicious! I might have to make some soon.

    1. Thanks Alissa. Been a while since I made pancakes. I was happy to finally make some!


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