Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mid Week Motivation 10: Is never too late (Running the NYPD Memorial 5K)

Hello loves,

My dad and godmother ran their very first 5K this past Sunday. 

I felt so incredibly proud of them. Specially, of my dad. After a health scare this past January, which thankfully he was able to successfully overcome, my dad decided to completely change his lifestyle making great improvements with his diet and exercise. His progress during the past few months has been incredible.

First of all, he didn't got crazy joining gyms or buying powders off the internet. He simply started off by borrowing a treadmill from a family member that had it stocked away unused for about 10 years (yes, is possible to buy a very expensive piece of equipment and never use it). That treadmill has been such a motivational tool for my dad who has been waking up every morning for the past 3-4 months to complete several miles of walking/jogging. He also spoke to my mom about making healthier meals each day. Her help and support has been pivotal and extremely helpful during this whole process.

My sister is a New York City Police officer and they were having their yearly memorial run this past Sunday. We were both already signed up for the race. She then had the great idea of asking my dad whether he wanted to do it and he agreed. He was so excited the morning of the race that he actually woke up super early to walk on the treadmill to "warm up" for the race (talk about motivation). 

A little bit about the NYPD Memorial run- The run is done each year in memory of an NYPD hero that has died while working. When signing up, you have the option of choosing an officer that you know that has passed away or you can allow the system to randomly select someone for you. I decided to do the latter, and this is whom I ran for:

I tried to look him up in Google but he passed away such a long time ago that I was unable to find any info :(. If anyone finds some data on this, pass it on my way. Would love to know his background and what happened. Either way, it was a true honor to run in his memory. May he rest in peace. Looking forward to doing this race again next year.

We all ran as a family and it was nothing less than awesome. This is a great shot I was able to get of my godmother:

I was waiting for my dad at the finish line and actually found out that he beat me! Yes, ladies and gentleman. He finished the entire 5K three whole minutes ahead of me. His time was ~34 minutes while mine was ~37. I haven't been running outside in over 6 months so I have a lot of catching up to do. I was just simply so proud of him. 

I completed my first 5K ever in 2010 and it literally took me forever (I finished at 49 minutes). My dad runs his first race and finishes in 34. The irony!

Moral of the story: My dad is 55 years old. My aunt is 53. Neither had run a race in their entire life but they have made a decision to turn around their life for the better and live healthier lives. As a health and fitness advocate for a very long time, nothing makes me more excited.

My mom came for moral support- shes been there for my dad every step of the way. She claims will run the next one with us. Looking forward to that!

So, never put excuses in front of the things you want to accomplish. Anything is possible.



  1. This is so inspiring! I want to run as a family, too. Congratulations on the 5K and the courageous parents!

    1. Thank you! I was so proud of him. I never thought I'd see the day but he's really committed. Makes me so excited.

  2. My dad is a runner and one of my goals is to get fit and be able to run a race with him. Your father and aunt are so inspiring, thanks for sharing this!

    1. It was such an incredible experience. I would highly recommend it. I would advise use that vision as a fuel to one day run a race with your dad.

  3. That is awesome! it is great when family shares the love of running with you.

    1. Yes. It was quite the experience. Im looking forward to doing it again :) thanks for stopping by.

  4. que nice all the family great activity and great cause =)


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